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This pipeline can be used to process germline-DNA data (WES or WGS), starting with FastQ files. It will perform quality control (using FastQC and MultiQC), adapter clipping (using cutadapt), mapping (using BWA mem) and variantcalling (based on the GATK Best Practice).
This pipeline is part of BioWDL developed by the SASC team at Leiden University Medical Center.
You can run the pipeline using Cromwell:
java -jar cromwell-<version>.jar run -i inputs.json pipeline.wdl
Inputs are provided through a JSON file. The minimally required inputs are described below, but additional inputs are available. A template containing all possible inputs can be generated using Womtool as described in the WOMtool documentation.
"pipeline.bwaIndex": {
"fastaFile": "A path to the fasta file from the bwa index",
"indexFiles": "A list containing the other bwa index files"
"pipeline.dbSNP": {
"file": "A path to a dbSNP VCF file",
"index": "The path to the index (.tbi) file associated with the dbSNP VCF"
"pipeline.sampleConfigFile": "A sample configuration file (see below)",
"pipeline.outputDir": "The path to the output directory",
"pipeline.reference": {
"fasta": "A path to a reference fasta",
"fai": "The path to the index associated with the reference fasta",
"dict": "The path to the dict file associated with the reference fasta"
"pipeline.dockerImagesFile": "A file listing the used docker images."
Some additional inputs which may be of interest are:
"The sequencing platform used. Default: illumina",
"Number of threads used for alignment. Default: 2",
"Number of threads used for cutadapt. Default: 1",
"Bed file with regions used for variantcalling",
"The adapters to be cut from the forward reads. Default: Illumina Universal Adapter",
"The adapters to be cut from the reverse reads (if paired-end reads are used). Default: Illumina Universal Adapter."
Sample configuration
The sample configuration should be a YML file which adheres to the following structure:
samples: #Biological replicates
- id: <sample>
control: <sample id for associated control>
libraries: #Technical replicates
- id: <library>
readgroups: #Sequencing lanes
- id: <readgroup>
R1: <Path to first-end FastQ file.>
R1_md5: <Path to MD5 checksum file of first-end FastQ file.>
R2: <Path to second-end FastQ file.>
R2_md5: <Path to MD5 checksum file of second-end FastQ file.>
Replace the text between < >
with appropriate values. R2 values may be
omitted in the case of single-end data. Multiple samples, libraries (per
sample) and readgroups (per library) may be given.
The control value on the sample level should specify the control sample associated with this sample. This control sample should be present in the sample configuration as well. This is an optional field. Should it be specified then somatic-variantcalling will be performed for the indicated pair.
The following is an example of what an inputs JSON might look like:
"pipeline.bwaIndex": {
"fastaFile": "/home/user/genomes/human/bwa/GRCh38.fasta",
"indexFiles": [
"pipeline.dbSNP": {
"file": "/home/user/genomes/human/dbsnp/dbsnp-151.vcf.gz",
"index": "/home/user/genomes/human/dbsnp/dbsnp-151.vcf.gz.tbi"
"pipeline.sampleConfigFiles": "/home/user/analysis/samples.yml",
"pipeline.outputDir": "/home/user/analysis/results",
"pipeline.reference": {
"fasta": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.fasta",
"fai": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.fasta.fai",
"dict": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.dict"
"pipeline.sample.Sample.library.Library.readgroup.bwaMem.threads": 8,
"pipeline.sample.Sample.library.Library.readgroup.Readgroup.qc.QC.Cutadapt.cores": 4,
"pipeline.dockerImages.yml": "dockerImages.yml"
And the associated sample configuration YML might look like this:
- id: patient1-case
control: patient1-control
- id: lib1
- id: lane1
R1: /home/user/data/patient1-case/R1.fq.gz
R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-case/R1.fq.gz.md5
R2: /home/user/data/patient1-case/R2.fq.gz
R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-case/R2.fq.gz.md5
- id: patient1-control
- id: lib1
- id: lane1
R1: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane1_R1.fq.gz
R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane1_R1.fq.gz.md5
R2: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane1_R2.fq.gz
R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane1_R2.fq.gz.md5
- id: lane2
R1: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane2_R1.fq.gz
R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane2_R1.fq.gz.md5
R2: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane2_R2.fq.gz
R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient1-control/lane2_R2.fq.gz.md5
Dependency requirements and tool versions
Biowdl pipelines use docker images to ensure reproducibility. This means that biowdl pipelines will run on any system that has docker installed. Alternatively they can be run with singularity.
For more advanced configuration of docker or singularity please check the cromwell documentation on containers.
Images from biocontainers are preferred for
biowdl pipelines. The list of default images for this pipeline can be
found in the default for the dockerImages
This pipeline will produce a number of directories and files:
- samples: Contains a folder per sample.
- <sample>: Contains a variety of files, including the BAM and gVCF
files for this sample, as well as their indexes. It also contains a directory
per library.
- somatic-variantcalling: Contains somatic variantcalling results.
- <library>: Contains the BAM files for this library
) and a BAM file with additional preprocessing performed used for variantcalling (*.markdup.bsqr.bam
). This second BAM file should not be used for expression quantification, because splicing events have been split into separate reads to improve variantcalling.
This directory also contains a directory per readgroup.- <readgroup>: Contains QC metrics and preprocessed FastQ files, in case preprocessing was necessary.
- <sample>: Contains a variety of files, including the BAM and gVCF
files for this sample, as well as their indexes. It also contains a directory
per library.
- multisample.vcf.gz: A multisample VCF file with the variantcalling results.
- multiqc: Contains the multiqc report.
This pipeline performs scattering to speed up analysis on grid computing
clusters. For steps such as variantcalling the reference genome is split
into regions of roughly equal size (see
the scatterSize
inputs). Each of these regions will be analyzed in separate
jobs as well, allowing them to be processed in parallel.
For any questions about running this pipeline and feature request (such as adding additional tools and options), please use the github issue tracker or contact the SASC team directly at: