BioWDL: RNA-seq

A BioWDL pipeline for processing RNA-seq data, starting with FASTQ files to produce expression measures and VCFs.

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This pipeline can be used to process RNA-seq data, starting from FastQ files. It will perform adapter clipping (using cutadapt), mapping (using STAR), variantcalling (based on the GATK Best Practises) and expression quantification (using HTSeq-Count and Stringtie).

This pipeline is part of BioWDL developed by the SASC team.


This pipeline can be run using Cromwell:

java -jar cromwell-<version>.jar run -i inputs.json pipeline.wdl


Inputs are provided through a JSON file. The minimally required inputs are described below, but additional inputs are available. A template containing all possible inputs can be generated using Womtool as described in the WOMtool documentation. See this page for some additional general notes and information about pipeline inputs.

 "pipeline.sampleConfigFile":"The sample configuration file. See below for more details.",
  "pipeline.starIndexDir": "The STAR index.",
  "pipeline.reference": {
    "fasta": "A path to a reference fasta",
    "fai": "The path to the index associated with the reference fasta",
    "dict": "The path to the dict file associated with the reference fasta"
  "pipeline.dbSNP": {
    "file": "A path to a dbSNP VCF file",
    "index": "The path to the index (.tbi) file associated with the dbSNP VCF"
  "pipeline.outputDir": "The path to the output directory",
  "pipeline.refflatFile": "Reference annotation Refflat file. This will be used for expression quantification.",
  "pipeline.gtfFile": "Reference annotation GTF file. This will be used for expression quantification.",
  "pipeline.strandedness": "Indicates the strandedness of the input data. This should be one of the following: FR (Forward, Reverse),RF (Reverse, Forward) or None: (Unstranded)"

Sample configuration

The sample configuration should be a YML file which adheres to the following structure:

  - id: <sampleId>
      - id: <libId>
          - id: <rgId>
              R1: <Path to first-end FastQ file.>
              R1_md5: <MD5 checksum of first-end FastQ file.>
              R2: <Path to second-end FastQ file.>
              R2_md5: <MD5 checksum of second-end FastQ file.>

Replace the text between < > with appropriate values. MD5 values may be omitted and R2 values may be omitted in the case of single-end data. Multiple readgroups can be added per library and multiple libraries may be given per sample.


The following is an example of what an inputs JSON might look like:

  "pipeline.starIndexDir": "/home/user/genomes/human/bwa/GRCh38/star",
  "pipeline.reference": {
    "fasta": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.fasta",
    "fai": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.fasta.fai",
    "dict": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCh38.dict"
  "pipeline.dbSNP": {
    "file": "/home/user/genomes/human/dbsnp/dbsnp-151.vcf.gz",
    "index": "/home/user/genomes/human/dbsnp/dbsnp-151.vcf.gz.tbi"
  "pipeline.outputDir": "/home/user/analysis/results",
  "pipeline.refflatFile": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCH38_annotation.refflat",
  "pipeline.gtfFile": "/home/user/genomes/human/GRCH38_annotation.gtf",
  "pipeline.strandedness": "FR"

And the associated sample configuration YML might look like this:

  - id: patient1:
      - id: lib1:
          - id: lane1:
              R1: /home/user/data/patient1/R1.fq.gz
              R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient1/R1.fq.gz.md5
              R2: /home/user/data/patient1/R2.fq.gz
              R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient1/R2.fq.gz.md5
  - id: patient2:
      - id: lib1:
          - id: lane1:
              R1: /home/user/data/patient2/lane1_R1.fq.gz
              R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient2/lane1_R1.fq.gz.md5
              R2: /home/user/data/patient2/lane1_R2.fq.gz
              R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient2/lane1_R2.fq.gz.md5
          - id: lane2:
              R1: /home/user/data/patient2/lane2_R1.fq.gz
              R1_md5: /home/user/data/patient2/lane2_R1.fq.gz.md5
              R2: /home/user/data/patient2/lane2_R2.fq.gz
              R2_md5: /home/user/data/patient2/lane2_R2.fq.gz.md5

Dependency requirements and tool versions

Included in the repository is an environment.yml file. This file includes all the tool version on which the workflow was tested. You can use conda and this file to create an environment with all the correct tools.


This pipeline will produce a number of directories and files:


For any question about running this pipeline and feature requests, please use the github issue tracker or contact the SASC team directly at: