BioWDL: aligning

A collection of BioWDL workflows for aligning sequencing data.

Please be aware that the page you are currently viewing is not for the latest available version!

This workflow uses HISAT2 to map RNA sequencing data to a reference genome.


You can run the workflow using Cromwell:

java -jar cromwell-<version>.jar run -i inputs.json align-hisat2.wdl


Inputs are provided through a JSON file. The minimally required inputs are described below and a template containing all possible inputs can be generated using Womtool as described in the WOMtool documentation.


  "AlignHisat2.readgroups": "A list of readgroup identifiers, one for each fastq file (pair) provided",
  "AlignHisat2.sample": "A sample identifier",
  "AlignHisat2.library": "A sequencing library identifier",
  "AlignHisat2.outputDir": "The path to the output directory",
  "AlignHisat2.inputReads": "A list of fastq pairs (R2 is optional; see the example below) in the same order as the associated readgroup identifiers",
  "AlignHisat2.indexFiles": "The path to the HISAT2 index files"

Some additional inputs which may be of interest are:

  "AlignHisat2.platform": "The sequencing platform used, this defaults to 'illumina'",
  "AlignHisat2.hisat2.threads": "The number of threads to be used, defaults to 1"


  "AlignHisat2.inputReads": [
      "R1": "/data/patient1/lane1_R1.fq.gz",
      "R2": "/data/patient1/lane1_R2.fq.gz"
      "R1": "/data/patient1/lane2_R1.fq.gz",
      "R2": "/data/patient1/lane2_R2.fq.gz"
  "AlignHisat2.outputDir": "/mapping/results",
  "AlignHisat2.sample": "s1",
  "AlignHisat2.library": "lib1",
  "AlignHisat2.readgroups": ["lane1", "lane2"],
  "AlignHisat2.indexFiles": [
  "AlignHisat2.hisat2.threads": 4


This workflow produces a directory containing the coordinate-sorted BAM file and its index.